Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tak Boleh Tahan !!!

This post gonna be a long one~
imma go ranting about all the things i can't stand~


Some things that i can't stand.

I can't stand pple who are arrogant. 
Really. Fucking hate them.

Signs of arrogant.
Think too highly of themselves.
Think whatever they like equals good.
Think whatever they don't like means it sucks.
Think pple who have different taste from them are of lower class.

yeah, fyou fyou fyou please!
Some ridiculous examples:

" ee, you like korean songs?! "
" OMG! you listen to chinese songs?!"

" bugis things all cheapskate one la, far east for ah lians one okay?! "
- KNN -.- pple no money buy A&F you buay song is it.?! -.-

" OMG, you like justin bieber that gay.!? "

" eee, why you like asians, angmoh so much more man/chio lah! "
- YOU NOT ASIANS IS IT.!? Then u think angmoh will like you huh ! In the end you will most likely fall for asians too isn't it.?!

- PLEASE LEH ! DONT TELL ME CHINA NO GOOD SHOW LA -.- yah yah yah, all US show good lor good lor. -.-

- I dowanna be bird cannot uh.? -.-

" iPhone so many pple have, BB more special, BB better! "
- iPhone is more supported thats why more pple use right.?! Whats w ur logic srsly.!?

Seriously.. people like this.. Can go just bang your head in the wall.. Fucking judger.. Can't stand you guys-.- I really hate people who think so damn effing highly of themselves. & they put down others not even considering their emotions. ( ok, i am insensitive towards this too ) But seriously, can you try to improve.?! Stop being so judgmental ! People are judging you too ok.?! Judging everyone cus you think your guidelines are the right ones.. omg.. shut the crap.. -.-


Another thing i can't stand.
Girls/Guys that say they cannot forget their ex/lover or whatever!
Commit suicide does not help too !

Ok here comes a story.
A woman, got married to a husband which everybody thought was honest, LIKE DAMN HONEST.
Soo.. after a few years, (i bet you can guess this), AFFAIR! Yah, the husband got an affair ! & worse still, the ridiculous/bastard/douche bag wants the wife to accept the affair as the second wife.. The wife, being sucha sweet mom, didn't want the children to suffer, decided not to divorce. But however, decided not to have any more sexual whatever w the husband. (The wife did not accept having a "sister" )
The wife was so heartbroken that she decided not to believe in love or whatsoever anymore.
BUT ! She fell in love w another guy ! & the guy had a family !
& she was like.. why did god do this to me.?!
Falling in love w someone that she cannot be with, making her suffer once again..
When the guy realise her feelings for him, he shunned her, lost contact w her..
However, she couldn't forget him..
She claimed tht she won't be able to forget him..

Ok, fuck you. don't crap to me..
You cannot forget, your problem lah !
I hate how weak this woman is being ok.!?
Cannot forget.?!
My ass lah..
If you believe in yourself, make changes to your lifestyle, stop clinging onto the past.
Stop lying to yourself that you can't !

How many people in this world break up, got their heart broken & still find a "new" one?!
And i've known pple who have lightning speed for this case too.. 
sooo, please don't tell me you cannot forget some one..
some people might need a longer time, but eventually, if you've self-confidence, im sure you can do it. Don't stay down there & whine the whole time -.-
I would like to slap you awake. !!!
( If i could )


Weeeeee, got this from Mandi's blog!
Totally agree to it !
Please don't tell me god will save you if you don't save yourself !

Don't tell me you pray hard & you will ace your exam.
Its your own hardwork that will pay off ok.?!

I believe in luck. good luck, bad luck.
Some things really need luck. Like gambling.

Always seen on show.
God, please forgive my sins & let my family/friends be w me again..
omg please ! if u truly repent, imma sure your family & friends will want u back..
You may pray for motivation, not to really want god to magically help u ok.?!

"Thank you god for allowing me to finish studying uni"
Please thank your parent first.
Thank god for letting you be born in this family -.-

Ok, i shall end my complains about pple here.


PS: Sorry for being irritating, I can't help myself cuz you have an important place in my heart already. I always seems irritating to pple i care. I am really sorry. I know I am some one who care too much some times. Busybody, whatever. But.. I guess thats me. From now on, imma learn how to care lesser.?! Learn how to not bother about ppl.?! Learn how to live my own life. I befriend too easily, I trust too easily.. Sometimes the stupid me make everybody my friend when they actually don't give a damn about me. yeah, only when they need help then i am their friend.. Sorry, that i've irritated you. I didn't know where i am supposed to stand. Sorry. 

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