Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Dog x

I want a dog.
I should say, I want a pet.
At times like this, I really wish I can have a pet by my side.
To take care and have fun with it (:

But, the only animal I can imagine taking care of is a dog.
hahaha, bias-ness i know.. XP

But, I know I don't have the time for a dog right now..
I am going to be a bad owner..
If I managed to find a stray dog, yeah I will definitely adopt it..
But to buy a dog rn? Nah.. My mom will slaughter me :(
I love dogs, big ones, small ones, haha especially big ones ^_<

You know, my dream is to have a husky (: hehe ^^

You ran a marathon? 
How heavy was the sled? 

Been really busy and my mind is in a mess!
3 projects to do over this weekend and company law test on monday :(

No time for this little space of mine?
Might be posting ridiculously short posts /:
I need to jiayou !!! /:

PS: Till I find meaning in this life (:

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