Thursday, April 17, 2014

Life is unfair

"It's not fair," Paige said. She was in the cafeteria having lunch with Kat and Honey.
Kat shook her head. "Nobody said life has to be fair."
Paige looked around the antiseptic white-tiled room. "This whole place depresses me. Everybody is sick."
"Or they wouldn't be here," Kat pointed out.
- Nothing Lasts Forever | Sidney Sheldon

I guess this extract is really true isn’t it? At least, it is in my eyes.

Rich, poor, tall, short, fat, etc. How is this world fair?

I’ve been spending my days reading and reading for the past 2 weeks. However, what am I reading for? Instead of learning and getting hands on with the things that I am suppose to do, I am reading fictions after fictions every single day. The sad truth is that I am reading just to pass time. Ok, I don’t mean that reading during leisure time is bad. BUT HI EVERYDAY? WHEN I AM SUPPOSE TO BE WORKING? It doesn’t even make sense to me..

Back to the fairness topic, whoever tells me that this world is fair is going to get one tight slap from me. When I was younger, I thought that the world is fair by default. (Cannot believe that I was so naïve and dumb.) Like many families with more than one child, parents will buy the similar things for all their kids. I guess that is also why parents with twins always buy 2 of each thing. TO BE FAIR. But I don’t really get it, who said that life would be fair, why do we even think that way? Even the law is not fair please. You want to get justice, you either have money or you have a lot of time. If you don’t have either, you will not get your justice.

This survival thing, it is a fucking tedious chore for me. I don’t even get it.

Why study? To get good results.
Why do I need to get good results? To get a good job.
Why do I need to get a good job? To earn money.
Why do I need to earn money? To help others and raise a family.
Why do I need to married and set up a family? To make sure humans don’t extinct.
Why do I need to stop extinction? IDK IDK IDK IDK.
I have got no answers in my head to be honest. Like life is just a mystery to me. LOL
Yeah damn right, and I am going to be the detective and find out why do I need to live like this! And I am quite sure that I will be bringing these questions to my deathbed. Ahhahha

PS: Money isn’t going to make you happy if you are living in misery, however, it does make misery more bearable.

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