I have been exploring a lot of cool places and spending a lot of money with this company. Broke but happy I guess? No, I do not have the time to do this kind of post for every outing or meet ups with my friends so, here is a summary of what I had been up to. *Mischievous loop-side smile*
Strangers' Reunion and Lola's Cafe with YY & Jiaxuan :-)
Paradise Pavilion, Trampoline fun, Officers' Commissioning Parade, Suppers, etc with the Gang :-)
And also a Cafe hopping tour at Holland Village with my lovely girls :-)
These are definitely part of my social life hahaha (Since I definitely did not actually spend all my monies here) but these are just some days that I laughed a lot and the same people giving me strength to go on with my life even though I am NOT a positive girl.
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