Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dinosaurs: Dawn to Extinction

DID NOT EXPECT anyone to be interested in this and would go me HAHAHA

Thank you Princess Christine for making time for me and go to the exhibition with me. I do not know if she enjoyed this history of dinosaurs as much as me.. (Cuz even if she did not enjoy I think she will just SMILE, but whatever, this is definitely better than River Safari) I don't even want to talk about River Safari because it is such a LAME AND BORING place to go to........ I felt totally cheated ok.. $30 for the tickets and I could finish touring the place in an hour..... I DO NOT recommend this place AT ALL... :-/

But nevertheless, it was a fun meet up day with G, Chris and NX :-) We even watched a family malaysia produced movie! Not bad at all!

*Insert River Safari's Photo

Dinosaurs: Dawn to Extinction

Fun Fact: Birds are actually closely related to Dinosaurs! I guess I am really curious on how Dinosaurs extinct and is there a chance that humans might go extinct too? I think that the most possible way for that to happen would be the climate change.... And the lack of natural resources? We humans are really digging everything that can be of use from the earth and sucking all the resources for ourselves... And we are definitely having a hard time trying to replenish them no? But I guess... a couple of thousands of years before that happens... Let me just not think so much about it heheh.

& Korean BBQ with the addition of zhanggggg~

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