Monday, July 9, 2012


My world is crumbling..
My world is collapsing..
Unlike yours..
Don't compare..
What we are experiencing should be totally different..

you've got that someone still..
I have none. Totally busted..

& this friend have to disagree with me at this point of time..
You don't know how much i want you to agree with me ! Its not as long as i am happy ! Idw you to be unhappy w me too ! You're of great importance to me! (dk if u believe or not since you think that i'm a selfish bitch who thinks of myself only). I really hope that you can understand my decision and choice. I'm not thinking only about myself. i'm thinking for them too. & tell me, why are we quarreling cuz of them? i don't even get it now. I just want everything to be back to normal.. is it wrong to think this way? Its definitely an act of foolishness. Cannot be forgiven? Idk. I always aim to forgive ppl. do my best in forgiving since forgetting is always the hardest. So if forgetting is so hard even for a stm girl like me, its even harder for others isn't it.? why not do my best to let them have as little quarrels as possible.?

A wise man once said: be careful with words.. cuz once theyre said, they can only be forgiven but not forgotten.
For me, actions likewise. i choose to forgive. & i need your support. idw to lose someone in this manner.. :(


PS: Will you tell me what in the world is happening.??? :(

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