Monday, December 1, 2014


One never reaches home, but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time. - Hermann Hesse

So, after months of having no time (or maybe no mood) to blog, I am back again and it is only because I am procrastinating on my school work. hashtag bamf.

& whoops, I am in studying in the UK already!! Amazeballs, I could still rmb the naive year 1 me asking my mother if i could study overseas.. and baam, here I am, in UK now, enrolled in a university and trying to make it through the first semester. 

UK is a beautiful place to travel and look see but it is definitely not a place for me to spend money.. Eating a little too much, shopping really too much :( As usual, I am labelled blur sotong after a few weeks in the UK, but thankfully, I have good friends that always take care of me and give me a helping hand whenever I need them.. Really really thankful for them <3 With these friendly people, I feel that I can make it through the 3 years ahead peacefully and safely hehe ^^ 

What I really hate about this place is probably the cold. 冷死我啊!For someone who loves her sunny and humid Singapore so much, this place is really too cold. Wrapping myself in many layers and having to wear hoodies and long track pants even in the room! I am someone who cover myself in double duvet without air con to go to sleep in Singapore, with the weather here, I am almost always frowning :( & damn, I really laugh a lot lesser when I am in the UK... Mostly because of the lousy weather! 

Ok maybe I shouldn't blame the weather too much, because maybe part of me is just really homesick. But for now, all is good, homesickness is still bearable. Everything is okay :-) So I shall just upload a splash of photos below :-) 

First rainbow of my life @ Cheshire Oaks :) 

I miss you guys hen duo hen duo :')

Our weekly cheat meal :)
(Which means we have good food outside instead of making our own meals)

Karen, G, Nixin and Chris snack box all the way from SG :) 
I miss you girls too <3

Manchester for X'mas market :) Coming back here reminds me of 
TP trip and my poly mates :') To the guys, faster finish NS! The 
girls are waiting for you guys!! 

Mooting, a nerve wrecking tough job. Quarter finals in 2 weeks time, hopefully I will be more well prepared and have more confidence in myself. My partner, Uncle Bok, have been helping me a lot and giving me lots of encouragements. I cannot ask for a better partner. Thank you BC! :) I will work harder than ever for the upcoming moots!!!! 

PS: No matter how okay I am here, I still want this year to pass faster so that I can go back to my sunny island and eat my hokkien mee, char kuay teow and carrot cake. Oh, and also run around in my shorts and slippers!! About 6 more months to go till summer break!! 

Saturday, November 8, 2014


我不像從前的自己 你也有點不像你
但在我眼中你的笑 依然的美麗
日子只能往前走 一個方向順時鐘
不知道還有多久 所以要讓你懂

We are not what we were
Change is the only constant

PS: I love my change :) 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Batam Trip

2D1N Batam Trip with 礼德 (07062014 - 08062014)

One month late on this post. But I'm really happy that I went on this trip. Bonding time with my Grandma and my 2 lovely cousins. Its been awhile since I hang out with my 2 lovely girls. heheh. They'd been my only girly playmates since I was young cuz the rest of cousins are boys and I learnt how to play barbie dolls and all the girls stuffs from them hahahah! 

And also to meet up with my long lost vegetarian friends :-) Its been awhile but we are always there!
Really miss hanging out with them <333 we are all busy with our lives now but I guess if I ever need a prayer, I can just drop by your houses eh? :) 

“Friends are a strange, volatile, contradictory, yet sticky phenomenon. They are made, crafted, shaped, molded, created by focused effort and intent. And yet, true friendship, once recognized, in its essence is effortless. Best friends are formed by time. Everyone is someone's friend, even when they think they are all alone. If the friendship is not working, your heart will know. It's when you start being less than perfectly honest and perfectly earnest in your dealings. And it's when the things you do together no longer feel right. However, sometimes it takes more effort to make it work after all. Stick around long enough to become someone's best friend.”
― Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Determined Realist

A Personality:

Determined Realists like to bear responsibility and welcome challenges. They are stable, reliable persons. External contacts are very important to them; they mix well and are very active. They are excellent organizers and are very happy when things are done correctly and punctually; they can quickly react impatiently if others are not as conscientious, orderly and dutiful as they are.

They prefer structured work which produces visible results quickly to abstract, long-drawn-out processes. Determined Realists have no problem with routine as long as it serves efficiency. However, they very much dislike unexpected and unpredictable occurrences which mess up their careful plans. Once they have committed themselves to a cause they do this with dedication and are willing to make considerable sacrifices for it.

Determined Realists do not avoid conflicts and criticism but face up to them and look for solutions. As they have a keen eye for the errors and shortcomings of others and are often quick at expressing criticism, they sometimes rub people up the wrong way especially when they lose their temper and jump to conclusions. Due to their marked sense of justice they are quickly willing to correct themselves and never take offence if someone speaks to them frankly. You do not have to seek hidden motives with them; you always know where you are. Determined Realists are often found in executive positions as they combine commitment, competence and the ability to assert themselves. In their spare time, they often also accept responsibility in clubs and other institutions. 

Traditions rate highly with Determined Realists. They attend every family event and never forget a birthday or wedding anniversary. Family and friends are very important to them. With their open, communicative manner, they find it easy to get to know people and have a large circle of friends and acquaintances. They are never superficial, but reliable and loyal friends who are always there when they are needed. Determined Realists take their relationships very seriously - they dream of finding a partner for life. In a love relationship, they seek above all stability and loyalty and here, too, they are willing to invest a lot in a harmonious togetherness. Determined Realists master crises or difficult phases with composure; they would never think of breaking a promise given. As a partner, one can always rely on their support.

As a Determined Realist, you are one of the extroverted personality types. You enjoy working in a team as a colleague or a team leader. Because you have an outgoing nature, you approach others easily and openly; working in solitude by yourself would be punishment for you. You know how to appreciate a harmonic working climate, but the relationship to your colleagues is not as important to you as to some of the other personality types. For you, the task always comes first and your colleagues and/or superiors are second. As long as everybody is working as disciplined and determined as you are, everything is just fine.

However, if you sense that the work is suffering from irrelevant disputes or private matters that have nothing to do with the job, you have no problem expressing your criticism, and making your team toe the line. It would never occur to you to sacrifice a good result in your work on the altar of personal moods, or in favor of a conflict free environment. On the other hand, you are one of the personality types who is best at handling criticism, and swallow negative feedback without brooding or sink into depression. Consequently, you also can hold your ground in professions where the climate is a little rougher and more competition oriented.

You are an excellent organizer, and a genius at planning and maintaining a workflow that is precise and on time. You enjoy dealing with details and facts, developing rules and guidelines, and establishing standards. Here, your natural sense for systematic and love of order prove to be advantageous; as well as your acute aptitude to see the most efficient of all possible approaches.

Where your work is concerned, “reliability” is your second name. You have a real problem leaving things to chance, and you hate nothing more than when something unexpected happens, thus throwing your carefully laid plans into chaos without warning. When a project you conceived is implemented without any hiccups and is brought to a good end, this is your greatest joy.

Adjectives that describe your type: extroverted, practical, logical, planning, direct, structured, conscientious, responsible-minded, self-confident, critical, honest, orderly, reliable, controlled, objective, able to concentrate, resolved, purposeful, communicative, with a sense of duty, tradition-conscious, stable, able to deal with conflicts, solution-oriented, relationship-oriented, efficient, impatient, warm-hearted, competition-oriented

PS: I like the determined realist and should be working towards it! :-) Aren't you falling in love with this personality? A mix of everything!! 

Thursday, July 3, 2014


To the most elegant yet blur lady in my circle.
(Don’t even understand how you are so demure but careless at the same time)

Hate you for being so tall, skinny and elegant
Hate you for quitting 2 weeks before me
Hate you for your sarcasm 
Hate that you are leaving SG in 4 days(?!)
Hate that you make me worry about your carelessness

This lady will cry at the least romantic/touching scene of all the Korean dramas and laugh like a 5 year old at the lamest American humour! (A total opposite of me, but it’s obviously alright!) We’ve been through really really tough times like going to Cafes every single day to mug for our “design for us to die” papers and brainstorm for all the projects after projects. Yes, I am still sick of starbucks and coffee bean rn *pukes* 

Next, stop falling down and injure yourself / landing yourself in the hospital! You hate injections yet you… are so careless!!!! (Someone worst than me! Sigh!) Please continue to work hard on your sense of direction, it CAN be trained ok! (Don’t keep losing your way!!!!)  Also, don’t get emotional at every single thing haha, sometimes it is not worth it!! (You will get more wrinkles only, what for!?!?!) 

I am going to miss your sarcasm to everything. The way you get excited over maggie mee, mixed veg rice, and all kinds of weird food, etc. Thanks and no thanks for always bringing me to all kinds of places to eat. & I will miss your photo-editing skills~ Ok, maybe you should faster get a new phone and start editing photos again! And of course I am going to miss your high efficiency for online shopping, applying this and that online…. (Now you can’t help me with my VISA!!!!  ) 

Farewell with lotsalove <3

PS: Remember frugal lifestyle, you can do it, DO NOT SPLURGE!!! 真的真的很不舍得你,never thought that this day will come so soon... You've been beside me for almost every single day for the past 3 months and i see you like at least 3x a week for the past 3 years?! Now i bidding farewell to you, and might only see u 4 years later?? So unreal!!! I feel sadddd thinking about it ohhhnooo :( 


Byebye 亲爱的 :'(

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Lately I've been I've been...

Because lately, my life really did seem like it was on the precipice of being a
dream. There were days I thought I’d wake up and discover that
recent events in my life hadn’t actually happened. Surely I must be a princess
in an enchanted sleep. Any day now, this dream—no, nightmare—
would end, and I’d get my prince and happy ending.
But there was no happy ending to be found, at least not in the foreseeable future.
- The Winners' Curse

Sigh, one of those days where I look into my future and deeehhh deeehhhh, looking into a pool of nothingness and that nothingness is creeping all over me.. gross...

& then there are conflicts and misunderstandings and everything! I guess the saying that what goes up must come down is really true to a certain extent. Be afraid when everything is too perfect and happiness is blooming in your face under the sunshine, because the storm is always just a stone away and is too damn near for you to be forgetting your umbrella. (Duh and I am obviously one of those that doesn't bring my raincoat out.) Getting drenched in the real rain is definitely different from the emotional storm that you have to face! The drama effect in your mind sends a whirlpool of thoughts to you and torture you everyday.... I guess that's how seasick feels like...

The churning in your stomach and dizzy spells you get, you just feel like throwing them all out! Sometimes, it makes you feel better, but other times, it just gets worse.

PS: 传导桥头自然直~ (Unless the boat isn't going forward?)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Winner's Curse

Night had truly fallen. Arin wondered if she would lift her eyes, but wasn’t worried he would be seen in the garden’s shadows.
He knew the law of such things: people in brightly lit places cannot see into the dark.
- The Winner's Curse

Nice intro from Karen!!! Its a series that I will be looking forward to! And it is a miracle that I am into this war related book because whenever it comes to war, I am usually very reluctant to immerse myself into it. Yeah, it contains romance and slavery too but this book is really nice!!!

How much have we sacrifice just for own pride and ego?
Don't we all lose something more important when we put too much emphasis on or image?
To apologise, when you are in the wrong,
to say your gratitude, when you are thankful,
is that really so hard?

In this case, its a harsher. Just because you want to win, you sacrifice much more men to conquer that territory? Even though it is not worth it any longer, you still want your pride back. 

Humans are such dum dum di dummmm~ 

Friday, June 20, 2014

不哭了 - No more tears

BY2 - 不哭了

作词:吴剑泓 / Mr Mars / 王帅 / 吴振豪




不哭了 不哭了

不苦了 不苦了
谢谢你 让我明白失去你 才会快乐




"I can live alone, if self-respected, and circumstances require me so to do. I need not sell my soul to buy bliss. I have an inward treasure born with me, which can keep me alive if all extraneous delights should be with held, or offered only at a price I cannot afford to give." Jane Eyre 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Too caught up in my own personal drama

But I was too caught up in my own personal drama to say a word. I felt like someone had ripped my heart out and tossed it across the other side of the room. There was a burning, agonizing pain in my chest, and I had no idea how it could ever be filled. It was one thing to accept that I couldn\'t have Dimitri. It was something entirely different to realize someone else could.

I didn\'t say anything else to her because my speech capabilities no longer existed. Fury glinted in her eyes,
and her lips flattened out into that tight expression of displeasure she so often wore. Without another word, she turned around and left, slamming the door behind her. That door slam was something I would have done too, actually. I guess we really did share some genes.

But I forgot about her almost immediately. I just kept sitting there and thinking. Thinking and imagining.
I spent the rest of the day doing little more than that. I skipped dinner. I shed a few tears. But mostly, I just sat on my bed thinking and growing more and more depressed.

- Vampire Academy 

Something more intellectual from the bimbo series. Finished all 6 books last month but don't have the time to really give a review about the series. Partly, also because I don't want to be giving a review. This series made me hate the main character LOL... And I think that readers are suppose to like the main lead.. With her bimbotic actions and ridiculous relationship/life decision, I really cannot bring myself to like her.. Nevertheless, it is a good series to my boring time.. HA HA HA (And yes, I am also typing this during my very efficient working hours.) 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Phuket (110514 - 140514)

Phuket, Thailand Trip 2014

I am hyped up now after coffee and a day of office work.
I want to go for a walk but my phone no batt. zzz.

Best days of my life?
I have many many many best days in my life, but this is definitely a trip that I will remember as long as I don't lose my memory or become senile. There might be a better trip in the future but that future is not near definitely. I will bring this memory to the next phase of my life. I planned hard for this trip (or maybe cus I was too bored). Ok whatever, I did quite a bit of research and taadaaa it was indeed well planned.. Except that I couldn't pay by debit card for the accommodation?! (Lucky I could withdraw money heheh) and we were too tired for clubbing and I think some of the guys were disappointed cuz we don't have ATV, water rafting etc.


Airport shot, look at the progression of Qinhe taking #selfies / #wefies :D

Yuzheng so happy playing with his DQ as we explore around our villa area and hunt for some food!

JP & his signature twist!! 

TUK TUK to the weekend market to satisfy llama's shopping craves. hahahha. Tuktuk rides are the best and the combo of Meitong & Qinhe taking wefies is goooooodd! They are good partners! ehehheh! I think we had a lot of fun bargaining with those tuktuk uncles and travelling in them! These tuktuks are so different from the ones i took in bkk! Bkk's ones so small, 4 person, 1 will have to sit on the floor! Over here it fits us 8 just fine!! COOOOOOLZ & they're super cute on the outside too! 


We can't get enough of group photos! Yes, I got the waterproof casing for my phone heheheheh! Was doubting its usefulness at the start but wow its amazing.. Although sometimes it made me feel that I lost my phone when it is floating about in the water :( BAD FEELING BAD BAD FEELING! Did not snorkel much, more of throwing bread near my friends so that the fishes keep swimming around them hehehehehhe! I hope some of them have brand new experience for snorkelling! (I seriously want to snorkel somewhere else other than Thailand cuz the fishies here all the sameeeee!) Also, because Phuket was not very near most of the islands, we spent a lot of time on the deck of the express boat, it was rather pleasant I would say? We all successfully fell asleep on top of the boat and get ourselves sun tanned hahaha! I was awaken by a gush of heat wave! LOL, the Sun in Phuket, NO JOKE NO KIDDING MAN!!!

Back to Villa, commencement of drinking session! Just what the….. zzz.. I really cannot drink.. I probably puked like 4-5 times that night.. to the point my stomach felt really empty and all that came out was transparent vodka… puiiiiii…. I had fun watching them get drunk though! hahaha! When you can't enjoy drinking yourself, you have got to learn how to enjoy watching others drink! Yuzheng was hilarious! kept on slapping kevin! and they were like high~~! To the point qinhe walked around in his boxers -_- and jingpeng lock meitong and me out of our own room! Pranks like drawing and putting toothpaste on drunkards never felt better! (poor yuzheng was the saddest victim) HAHAHA! YAY!


All the beach pictures, #nofilter already so pretty muahahahhaha!!!!!! :D

SO SO FUCKING PERFECT DAY! (& On this day we realise we have to home bound the next day! Damn sad but I am the 2nd last day was fucking perfect) Would like to say, I AM GLAD WE GAVE UP ATV, water rafting, elephant riding for KATA BEACH! It is a PARADISEEE!~~ *Insert bog's almost paradiseeeeee* It was an OTOT (Own Time Own Target) Day… cuz we drank last night and all… we set off to kata beach at 12pm! A bit too late cuz we spent some time shopping at patong LOL

Look at the 50 shades of BLUE (MY FAVOURITE COLOUR) from the ocean to the sky, it was amazing, awesome, fabulous, FANTASTICAAAA!!!! :D:D:D:D hahaha, I am feeling happy just thinking about it… Please Sentosa can just go aside! Chey!

This beach is not crowded, but I see the potential of it being overwhelmed in the next few years. So I guess, I am glad to be here before it gets overcrowded? heheh, hopefully the peacefulness remains though! The waves was too strong that day! >_< But so good for Jetski-ing! Jet ski~!!!! Haven't tried it for a long time since I was young LOL! Yuzheng & me daebakkkkkkkk!!!!!! AWESOME PARTNER HAHAHA ALTHOUGH WE almost made each other fly out of the ski! Heheh, cooooolz! Half of them went parasailing (did not go cuz I felt that it was not exciting enough for me for the price! hahaha! $40 SGD leh! If I pay that price, I want to parasail myself, not with some monkey man behind me!!) Jet ski was expensive too like $30SGD for 30 minutes.. But it was all worth it, I HAD SO MUCH FUN handling/ being the passenger of the jet ski! WOOTS WOOTS!!!! 

And we played some double dodge ball games that made me run and spin around like dog with a volley ball that we bought over there at SGD10! It is really sad that we couldn't bring the ball back cis we can't inflate it at the airport. SIGH! Wasted… Our volleyball in SG, sitting at the corner of my room currently, has no air, and is going to breakdown any moment bleahhhhh~! 

By 6pm we were all worn out physically!!! Like Jiahao became a lobster!!!!!! Red red lobster!!! Sunburnt like crazy! The sun no mercy! And the beach is too fun not to be enjoying it!!! I just turn chao da… thats all.. sigh.. and minor sunburns…. LIKE MINOR! SO I CANNOT REVERT TO MY ORIGINAL SHADE ANYMORE!!!! Cryy~

And we finally had our seafood dinner that day! The taste i normal but its cheap so OK!!!


Last day, not very well planned, free and easy? We should be going to Thai massage or something although I seriously cannot take massages! LOL, we ended up in a gigantic shopping mall playing arcade and going to the 4D theatre. (Forgot the name of the shopping mall though, not thai enough to remember it.) Nevertheless, it was a relaxing and fun day for us to close our minds and prepare to return to reality. 

I had a really really sad lunch cuz our soup was spoilt by the self proclaim chef ong! >:( Ok, cannot blame him, I don't even know how to cook..anyway the buffet there is really really cheap.

Lastly, we almost miss our flight back to Singapore but haha so much for wanting to continue staying there!


I love each and every single of my company in this trip! So glad that Meitong is willing to join and mingle with my crazy, guailan, fan4jian4 friends and I know she definitely enjoyed the trip too! Although there were some awkward situations, I guess yolo Meitong and my very friendly friends made it through good enough! I am thankful that my friends opened their shy heart to accept Meitong and make friends with her, but I think Meitong made it really easy for them too. hahahha. My qt pie, I am going to miss you a lot a lot! xoxo

On another hand, super duper understanding Sam was like damn great. She totally understand me, no wonder we are still friends after 9 long years. Had a htht with Sam before the trip cuz I was worried that I would spend more time trying to get tong to open up to the guys, Sam was really cool with it and she really talk and interact with tong a lot too. Their character is really really different but I guess cool Sam always have ways to subdue those that are different from her. (Yes, She and me practically never like the same thing.) And she is almost never cheesy, so when she is cheesy and do touching stuffs for me, I am always in awe! Thanks, I am touched, but I am not paying you $5!!!! >_<

I've been to so many trips and for the most of them, it was the place that made them unbelievably beautiful and unforgettable, however, for this trip, not only is the scenery and activities fabulous, my company that trusted me so much, made everything more than perfect. I am not the best planner in the world, I would make this a 5d4n trip if I knew the beach was going to be so taxing on us, and we had to give up ATV, white water rafting, etc. However, not once did they blame me when something goes wrong, I am truly happy! (: 

Note: I would love to be able to go on a well-planned trip again with them... (Excluding genting & jb) But that is base on many other factors, like friendship, time, distance, and money, etc. Looking at the worst scenario, Phuket trip might be my last trip with this group of good friends~ khob khoon ka to my friends and lovely Thailand! :D 

PS: May peace be with Thailand~ 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tarot Cards Reading

Universal 6 Card Spread

The Sun
Card 1 (The Sun) : How you feel about yourself now  »
You are feeling abundant happy and joyful - if you don't, be assured that you are about to enter a period of success and fulfillment. This is a time of pleasure, vitality and good health, travel and holidays to be enjoyed. Good news around children or the conception or birth of a longed-for baby. The Sun heralds an ending to difficulties and a time to celebrate with friends and loved ones.

The Moon
Card 2 (The Moon) : What you most want at this moment  »
The cards suggest that what you most want at this time is some clarity and less of these confused emotions that leave you fearful and vulnerable. You want to know the outcome, because you are so unsure about how you feel. Use your intuition to guide you away from any deception and ride this out - it will turn out alright in the end. The Moon is a good omen if you are in a clandestine affair.

The Emperor
Card 3 (The Emperor) : Your fears  »
You are feeling that success is just around the corner but it feels elusive, just out of reach. You are concerned that the support and help that you want from your father, husband/partner or a man of significance in your life won't materialise. Trust and ask for the help you need, and success will be yours.

The Hanged Man
Card 4 (The Hanged Man) : What is going for you  »
With patience this passive time, this time of feeling in limbo and indecision, will pass. You will know what decisions to make, what or who to let go of and how to move on. Whatever self-sacrifice you have to make you will feel a better and stronger person for it.

Card 5 (Justice) : What is going against you  »
Things just aren't going your way, even if you are in the right or the victim of foul play you won't win this one. Take care of whose advice you take and beware of being motivated solely by self-interest.

The Lovers
Card 6 (The Lovers) : Outcome  »
Love is coming into your life even if you really can't see where from at this time. If you are on your own a new lover will soon enter your life. If you are in an unhappy relationship you have a choice to make - go with your heart, take the risk, greater happiness is ahead of you.


My Tarot Card Readings HAHAHA So bored during work lor~
Let me keep it here and see if it comes true or something kay~!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Paintball - It has paint, but also PAIN :-(

One of my most painful experience, even the worse muscle ache cannot be compared to this.
& I am truly glad that Cassandra was with me and that Sam wasn't there.
No offence intended haha but really!!!
yes went to paintball 2 weeks ago, and the bruise is still here today WTF
like a huge patch of blue black on my thighs and abrasion on my hands
although I did not get the worst of it, it still hurts! & yes I will whine about this LOL

Ok, pain is secondary as long as we have fun I guess?
Haha but it is really painful, i am never going paintball again, I am just going to stick to laser tag heheh
Once in a lifetime experience is really enough!!!!

Nevertheless I had a great time, happy celebration for Kev, Shukai & Zongying!!! <3 <3 <3

PS: One by one we are hitting the twenties! Oh nooooo!!! 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Drama Review: I Miss You/Missing You

Totally agree with the review above,
if they had treated Yoo Seung Ho better, the drama would be so so much better!
Even though I lovveee looooveee looove Micky, I think that they are just trying to kiss his ass in this drama or something LOL, he is like super super good and the second lead just became a crazy man. WHUT WHY HOW NOOO!

The plot is a super good one from the start. It is rare to see such a plot in recent dramas as most of the dramas nowadays seems to revolve a lot around love, relationship and all. However, this drama gives you the goosebumps you need at the start.. Like abuse, rape, inheritance, law etc. So many factors involved in a single drama. (Although I personally think that the background story is a bit too long winded) Like where do you find such a complicated plot nowadays man.

But it turned out to be a stupid love story at the end……. I do not understand how 14 years of relationship can cripple within 14 days… Something along this line…. Make no sense to me and it is such a disappointment as there are a lot of potential in this part of the plot… the director/scrip writer gave the second lead no chance at all… So it gets boring, cuz you just know that the girl will be with micky in the end TAADAAAAAA!

But it is worth it if you're watching for eye candies ^^

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dinosaurs: Dawn to Extinction

DID NOT EXPECT anyone to be interested in this and would go me HAHAHA

Thank you Princess Christine for making time for me and go to the exhibition with me. I do not know if she enjoyed this history of dinosaurs as much as me.. (Cuz even if she did not enjoy I think she will just SMILE, but whatever, this is definitely better than River Safari) I don't even want to talk about River Safari because it is such a LAME AND BORING place to go to........ I felt totally cheated ok.. $30 for the tickets and I could finish touring the place in an hour..... I DO NOT recommend this place AT ALL... :-/

But nevertheless, it was a fun meet up day with G, Chris and NX :-) We even watched a family malaysia produced movie! Not bad at all!

*Insert River Safari's Photo

Dinosaurs: Dawn to Extinction

Fun Fact: Birds are actually closely related to Dinosaurs! I guess I am really curious on how Dinosaurs extinct and is there a chance that humans might go extinct too? I think that the most possible way for that to happen would be the climate change.... And the lack of natural resources? We humans are really digging everything that can be of use from the earth and sucking all the resources for ourselves... And we are definitely having a hard time trying to replenish them no? But I guess... a couple of thousands of years before that happens... Let me just not think so much about it heheh.

& Korean BBQ with the addition of zhanggggg~

Friday, May 16, 2014


Yes, life if full of ups and downs, to continue going on, I guess I can only try to remember the moments when I laughed heartily. I should be thankful that I have a bunch of humans that accept me for who I am. I mean ok, they probably don't know the true true me, but no matter what, they bring laughters to me, and that is all that matters.

I have been exploring a lot of cool places and spending a lot of money with this company. Broke but happy I guess? No, I do not have the time to do this kind of post for every outing or meet ups with my friends so, here is a summary of what I had been up to. *Mischievous loop-side smile*

Strangers' Reunion and Lola's Cafe with YY & Jiaxuan :-)

Paradise Pavilion, Trampoline fun, Officers' Commissioning Parade, Suppers, etc with the Gang :-)

And also a Cafe hopping tour at Holland Village with my lovely girls :-) 

These are definitely part of my social life hahaha (Since I definitely did not actually spend all my monies here) but these are just some days that I laughed a lot and the same people giving me strength to go on with my life even though I am NOT a positive girl.